
All things must come to an end

So it is time to conclude on all the blog posts that I have posted on this blog. Since the birth of this blog, I had been posting all about what I learned about during one of my class in university, called Media Appreciation. 

So... Not only did I learn a lot from Media Appreciation classes, but also from composing blog posts for this blog. Media Appreciation classes had bought me closer into the realm of art and media. Never had I gotten this much knowledge about media and art. I wouldn’t have knew there’s different mindsets about art like modernism and postmodernism. I wouldn’t have knew that people can express art with surrealism. I wouldn’t have knew so much different types of films from all over the world. I wouldn’t have knew…. Well you know the drill by now, how about give my blog a read to know what I actually learnt.  

For all of these, I need to thank all my 3 lecturers that committed a lot of time and effort into our classes. They did well on giving us the knowledge we need to know about media and so much more. Thank you so much!

Well, that’s all for the blog. Maybe I'll update the blog with more stuffs.


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